Parts Of Respiratory System And Its Function

Parts of respiratory system and its function


the main organ of the respiratory system is the LUNGS , the lungs helps us breathe in and out. As the oxygen we breathe in to our NOSE it goes down to the PHARYNX , which is also a part of the respiratory system, it is located in throat . The oxygen has passed the PHARYNX , it goes down to the LARYNX ,. the larynx is also called the voice box . breathing also helps us to talk , without air we wouldnt be able to talk straightly . after the air passes through the larynx , it goes through the TRACHEA , and it goes down to its two BRONCHI, (singular: bronchus) and the two Bronchi — which is connected to the lungs. and it goes to the lungs. the right lung has three lobes and the left one has only two lobes. the Last one is the ALVEOLI . (also known as airsacs) the Alveoli is also responsible for the gas exchange. and there is about 300 million air sacs inside the lungs. As we breathe in and out, the Diaphragm goes up and down , but it is not part of the respiratory system and yet it makes breathing possible. it is a sheet of muscle below the lungs.


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