Different Kinds Of Forces And Their Meaning

Different kinds of forces and their meaning


1. Gravitational Force  

  • Is a force that pulls object toward one another.  
  • It is this universal force that affects the bigger and the smaller objects.  
  • The strength of gravitational force depends on the amount of mass in an object and the distance between objects.  


2. Magnetic Force  

  • Is a force that causes objects to attract or repel from each other.  
  • It is force shown when magnets and iron are attached to each other.  

3. Electric Force  

  • Is the force that exists between charged products.  
  • Objects with different charges attract each other, and objects with the same charge repel each other.  
  • Electric force is much more stronger than gravitational force.  
  • It holds particles together that make up a matter.  

4. Nuclear Force  

  • Is the force that holds particles in the nucleus together  
  • There are two types of nuclear force:  

                - Strong Nuclear Force

                    The strong nuclear force holds the nuclear particles together by holding the quarks together.  

                    The strong force exists in a very short distance.  

                 - Weak Nuclear Force

                     Is the force that holds particles within protons and neutrons together.  


5. Frictional Force  

  • Friction opposes motion  
  • It causes the object that moves along a surface to slow down and eventually stop.  

6.  Centrifugal Force  

  • Is an outward force that pulls object away from the center.  

7. Centripetal Force  

  • Is a force that pulls objects inward  


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